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What Should Your Retirement Savings Target Be?

Understanding your retirement goal based on internal and external factors

Main Factors

  1. Return on investment

    There is perhaps no bigger unknown than the rate of return your retirement investments will yield over time. Market conditions, your employment status, and portfolio allocation are just a few of the myriad of factors that can impact how much you earn against your savings goal. Trying to predict that is like predicting the stock market thirty years from now.

  2. Inflation and cost of living

    Similarly, predicting how inflation and the cost of living will change over time is almost impossible, even as inflation rates have averaged around 2% over the last twenty years. $1 million saved now might seem like a lot today, but could translate into a very different lifestyle thirty years from now due to inflation. One would hope that your salary and other earnings would rise with rate of inflation but nothing is guaranteed.

  3. Income and retirement expenses

    Calculating your living and income requirements in retirement is another area that requires some crystal ball gazing. Especially if you are young or just starting to save for retirement, forecasting your income needs decades from now is quite a challenge.