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How to Get a Financial Plan Up and Running

Your Story, Your Goals, Your Plan

Start Your Journey

The Roadmap & Building Blocks for Your Plan

Life Planning
Your Well-Being

So how do we illustrate some of the options at Oppenheimer?

Here are some examples of our planning capabilities:
  1. Goals-based planning

    During our discovery conversations, you’ll choose the destination and we’ll show you how to get there. We’ll show you a probability score of how likely you are to meet your goals, and what changes you may need to make to best fulfill those goals.

  2. Cash flow analysis

    Together, we’ll create an annual breakdown of your income and savings and compare them to what you want to spend, adjusting for how your savings might fluctuate over time. Having a long-term visualization of your income and expenses can help you stay on the right path of your investment goals.

  3. Insurance needs

    We look at your current situation versus current needs as well as your future situation and future needs to determine how much insurance you need. We can show you a side-by-side comparison of an insurance-triggered event and its financial consequences. You will be able to determine how you want to balance a contingency plan for your future needs.

  4. Social security

    Our Social Security analyzer can show the effects of starting the benefit at different ages and how that impacts your savings and cash flow. This is an important step in determining retirement income and long-term planning.

  5. College planning

    As part of our planning tools, we can show you various opportunities and their impacts on your goals, as well as how scholarships, 529 accounts, and other resources come into play. We can help you tackle difficult decisions, such as the choice between public and private universities or in-state versus out-of-state schools, by analyzing how college planning fits with your other goals.

What Is Our Process?

Here is how it comes together:
  1. Step 1: Tell us your story

    Discovery + Data collection

    Define your goals and objectives. When do you want to retire? Do you want to travel more? Will you sell your home? This is arguably the most important step. We’ll need some help from you to start your plan.

  2. Step 2: We break ground

    Analyze the data, build the plan and make recommendations

    Your financial advisor will take everything learned during your conversations and begin to put together your personal financial plan. This is a living, breathing document that will be presented to you and will be yours to keep. This will serve as the foundation of your relationship with your financial advisor.

  3. Step 3: Bring to life

    Review your plan and discuss action steps

    Your Oppenheimer financial advisor will present the analysis and results of your plan to you. This is the “can we do it?” part of the conversation! The second part of this meeting will be a discussion of any possible recommendations. Some recommendations may be required to achieve success, whereas others may serve as a method for assuring continued success. Action steps will be presented.

  4. Step 4: Assure your story’s continued success

    Monitor and update your plan periodically

    As you move through the chapters of your life, your plan will need to move with you. It will need periodic adjustments. We will be ready for them. Together with your Oppenheimer financial advisor, we will make proactive and reactive changes to your plan.