Fiduciary Services
Our mission as trusted advocates and as longstanding Financial Advisors with Oppenheimer & Co. Inc. is to focus our business on helping Conservators, Guardians, Trustees and Guardians ad Litem (GALs) to streamline and better manage their clients’ investment needs. We work collaboratively with you to standardize and help simplify your financial decision-making on behalf of your clients.
Available Services
- Will act as custodian and domicile IRA’s inherited by a (d)4(a) special needs trust (SNT)
- Investment Policy Statements for clients selecting programs in our asset management platform
- Assistance with setting objective criteria for level of risk, diversification and income
- Cost-effective investment management services
- Knowledge and experience in working with the application of the Prudent Investor Rule
- Diversified portfolios, ongoing monitoring and periodic rebalancing of assets (automatic periodic rebalancing is available only in select programs)
- Income-generating accounts based on the client’s income needs and risk tolerances
- Financial advice for Special Needs Trusts
- For certain guardianship cases, we have the ability to Block or Freeze Accounts
- Documentation of all reviews performed with the guardian, including a detailed Quarterly Portfolio Review Report (for select accounts)
- Simple fee model for advice, transactions, and custody of the accounts is available in select programs (availability of multiple account programs ranging from a variety of fee based programs to standard commission based accounts)