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Hiring a Wealth Management Team

The important considerations for any affluent family looking to make the best and most well-informed decision about with whom to entrust their wealth.


There are quantitative and qualitative considerations that factor into making the most informed and best fit choice when deciding with whom you will entrust your wealth. These factors are not always so obvious and not surprisingly, many affluent families struggle with this process. Quantitative factors tend to focus on a team’s performance, size of the team, assets under management, fees, tenure and other issues that need to be addressed. While these factors are relevant, they are hard to substantiate and do not necessarily guarantee or validate the success or overall quality of the team. More often than not, it is the qualitative factors that are not only more revealing and important but more difficult to uncover and evaluate.

Before getting into the meat of this article, here are the 5 questions that must be asked up front and responded to with complete honesty and transparency. If you notice, these are high level questions that have little to do with performance and investment philosophy. These questions assume the candidates were recommended to you and have demonstrated a certain level of success and longevity in the business. These questions are designed to expose and demand a higher level of transparency and thoughtfulness.




Oppenheimer & Co. Inc. does not provide legal or tax advice, but will work with your other advisors to assure your needs are addressed. The opinions of the author expressed herein are subject to change without notice and do not necessarily reflect those of the Firm. Additional information is available upon request. Investors should review potential investments with their financial advisor for the appropriateness of that investment with their investment objectives, risk tolerances and financial circumstances.

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