Awards Criteria
In all cases, Oppenheimer & Co. Inc. and the following awards and ranking entities are non-affiliated.
401(k) Specialist
Nominations are derived from advisor-submitted questionnaires related to plan goals, objectives and the metrics used to evaluate each; documentation habits, knowing statistics on participation rates, income replacement ratios, and savings; and all tools used to measure the preceding attributes. The selection process includes a background check.
Advisor Hub Fastest Growing Advisors To Watch
The ranking criteria falls into three main categories, scope of practice measured by assets, production and level of service; growth of practice consisting of year over year growth in assets, households and production; and lastly, professionalism which includes regulatory record, community service and team diversity.
AdvisorHub’s Advisors to Watch: We received nominations from 339 firms. Nominees were required to have a minimum of seven years experience, $150m minimum AUM, and a clean regulatory record. Advisors were ranked on the 1) size and makeup of their practice; 2) year-over-year growth; 3) and professionalism. Participation in this ranking is open to any firm or advisor and there are no fees for participation.
Asian–American Award
The Asian American Award is based on polls of chief investment officers, fund managers and investment analysts, and applicants must be Asian-Americans with successful achievements in the field of business. Requirements include: Applicant must be a permanent resident or U.S. citizen of Asian descent, be at least 21 years of age by December 31, 2019, and work for a company registered in the U.S. that has existed for a minimum of two years as of Dec 31, 2019. That company must have had gross sales and income exceeding $1 million in 2019, and applicant must provide a letter from a CPA certifying those facts. Approved applicant is required to attend the June 17th, 2020 dinner to receive the award.
Asia Money Polls Award
Voters are from fund management houses, insurance companies, pension funds, sovereign wealth funds, hedge funds and wealth managers from around the world. To qualify for the regional categories, firms, analysts and sales personnel need to receive votes from three or more sovereign countries/independent markets, where more than 40% of their votes come from investors based outside their home territory, to reflect that they are truly regional. To avoid any one institution having more influence than others of equal size, multiple responses are fractioned according to the total number received from that one institution. Each response was then weighted according to the institution’s approximate asset size (total unleveraged Asian equity funds under management) in Asia-Pacific (ex-Australia & Japan), in Australia or in Japan (depending upon the institution’s allocation of funds). This poll is not based on scientific or representative samples and the poll and other related information have been obtained from various opinion-based sources and have not been independently or professionally verified. Results are the opinions as of the date of participation and not statements of fact.
Barron’s list of America’s best financial advisors is organized by state. The rankings are based on data provided by over 4000 of nation’s most productive advisors. Factors included in the rankings: assets under management, revenue produced for the firm, regulatory record, quality of practice and philanthropic work.
Bond Buyer Rising Star 2024 Award
Identifies nominations of, and recognizes municipal finance professionals under the age of 40 who have demonstrated leadership skills, are excellent collaborators, have displayed innovation and creativity in approaching their jobs, while making positive contributions to the community. Examples of their work and professional references are examined. Honorees from previous years are ineligible, but resubmissions of previous candidates who were not chosen and remain age-eligible will be accepted. Award nomination period ends May 31, 2024.
Bond Buyer Trailblazing Women Recognition
Recognition as a Trailblazer is based on a commitment to public finance and for the impact they have made on the private and public sectors; dedication and influence on public finance; creating greater opportunities for women in the industry, through being a role model to others, demonstrating integrity and professionalism, and offering support and mentorship to others.
Captive International
Awards are based on feedback received from the captive insurance industry within the US, and in particular from readers of Captive International. Winners were selected based on responses to an online poll, as well as phone interviews with select contacts, taking into account the effectiveness, efficiency and professionalism of institutions in a range of categories relevant to the industry. Captive International asked respondents to name up to three firms or individuals, depending on the question, that they have experience of working with based on their competence, expertise and innovation. Firms and individuals were ranked out of ten, with respondents asked to reasons given for their votes. Once all the votes were tallied, the winners were then determined through the product of the qualitative score and number of votes cast.
Financial Planning Top 40 Regional Advisors Under 40
Nominees for the rankings were age 39 or younger as of Dec. 31, 2022, and were registered with a wealth management firm in the employee channel. FP uses production totals that are verified by each broker's employer to determine the rankings. The reported trailing 12-month production and AUM are as of Sept. 31, 2022.
Financial Times
The Financial Times 401 Top Retirement Plan Advisors is an independent listing produced annually by the Financial Times (September 2018). The FT 401 is based on data gathered from advisors, regulatory disclosures, and the FT’s research. The listing reflects each advisor’s status in seven primary areas: DC plan assets under management (AUM), DC AUM growth rate, specialization in DC plans, years of experience, advanced industry credentials, compliance record and DC plan participation rate. This honor is not indicative of the advisor’s future performance. Neither the advisors nor their parent firms pay a fee to the Financial Times in exchange for inclusion in the FT 401.
Five Star Wealth Management Award
Presented to those how satisfy ten objective eligibility and evaluation criteria associated with outstanding work. Eligibility Criteria (required): Credentialed as an investment advisory representative or a registered investment advisor; actively employed as a credentialed professional in the financial services industry for a minimum of five years; favorable regulatory and complaint history review; fulfilled their firm review based on internal firm standards; accepting new clients. Evaluation Criteria (considered): One year client retention rate; five year client retention rate; non-institutional discretionary and/or non-discretionary client assets administered; number of client households served; and educational/professional designations.
The rankings are based on an algorithm of qualitative and quantitative data for rating thousands of individuals on revenue produced, assets under management, compliance records, and industry experience.
The algorithm for Forbes/SHOOK’s America’s Top Next-Generation Wealth Advisors and Best-In-State Wealth Advisors is designed to fairly compare the business practices of a large group of advisors based on quantitative and qualitative elements including: in-person interviews, industry experience, community involvement, client retention data and revenue trends. Data are weighted to ensure priorities are given to dynamics such as preferred “best practices”, business models, recent business activity, etc. Each variable is graded and represents a certain value for each measured component. These data are fed into an algorithm that measures thousands of advisors against each other. Forbes/SHOOK Research is not affiliated with Oppenheimer & Co. Inc.
America’s Top Wealth Management Teams ranking was developed by SHOOK Research and is based on in-person, virtual and telephone due diligence meetings and a ranking algorithm that includes: a measure of best practices, client retention, industry experience, review of compliance records, firm nominations; and quantitative criteria, including assets under management and revenue generated for their firms. Investment performance is not a criterion because client objectives and risk tolerance vary, and advisors rarely have audited performance reports. Neither SHOOK nor Forbes receive compensation in exchange for its Top Wealth Management Teams placements or rankings, which are determined independently (see methodology above). Participation in this directory is limited to ranked teams and advisors; once placed on a ranking, teams or advisors may choose to pay fees to Forbes and Shook for premium listing features as indicated by highlighted names. SHOOK’s research and rankings provide opinions intended to help investors choose the right financial advisor or team and not indicative of future performance or representative of any one client’s experience. Investors must carefully choose the right advisor or team for their own situation and perform their own due diligence. Past performance is not an indication of future results. For more information, please see www.SHOOKresearch.com. SHOOK is a registered trademark of SHOOK Research, LLC.
Forbes/Shook: America’s Top Wealth Advisors
Each advisor selected is chosen based on an algorithm of qualitative and quantitative criteria, including: in-person interviews; industry experience; compliance records; revenue produced; and assets under management.
Forbes/SHOOK Best-In-State Wealth Management Teams
The Forbes ranking of America’s Top Wealth Management Teams, developed by SHOOK Research, is based on an algorithm of qualitative criteria, gained through telephone, virtual and in-person due diligence interviews, and quantitative data. The qualitative criteria focus on studying each team’s best practices—service models, investing process, team construct, skill sets, etc. The algorithm weighs factors like revenue trends, assets under management, and compliance records. Portfolio performance is not a criterion due to varying client objectives and lack of audited data. Neither Forbes nor SHOOK receive a fee in exchange for rankings.
Nearly 46000 nominations were received for individuals and teams. Over 18000 phone, virtual, and in-person interviews occurred of advisors who meet pre-determined minimum thresholds and acceptable compliance records.
Basic nomination requirements are: Minimum of 7 years as an advisor for at least 1 team member, fully operational as a team for a minimum of 1 year, completion of online survey, over 50% of business must be with individuals, with an acceptable compliance record.
Quantitative Metrics include revenue/production; weightings assigned for each, assets under management - and quality of those assets - both custodied and a scrutinized look at assets held away, and client-related data, such as retention rates. Portfolio performance is not a factor.
Qualitative Metrics include the above mentioned interviews, compliance records, investor experience during advisor relationship, credentials, team dynamics if applicable, community development, discussion with management, peers and competing peers, and U4 regulatory record.
The algorithm is designed to fairly compare the business practices of a large group of teams based on quantitative and qualitative elements. Data are weighted to ensure priorities are given to dynamics such as preferred “best practices,” business models, recent business activity, etc. Each variable is graded and represents a certain value for each measured component. These data are fed into an algorithm that measures thousands of teams against each other.
Forbes Working Women
SHOOK Research considered wealth advisors who are mothers with at least one child living at home and under the age of 18. Ranking algorithm is based on qualitative measures derived from telephone and in-person interviews and surveys: service models, investing process, client retention, industry experience, review of compliance records, firm nominations, etc.; and quantitative criteria, such as assets under management and revenue generated for their firms. Investment performance is not a criterion because client objectives and risk tolerances vary, and advisors rarely have audited performance reports. Rankings are based on the opinions of SHOOK Research LLC. Neither SHOOK nor Working Mother receives compensation from the advisors or their firms in exchange for placement on a ranking.
Forbes Working Women Top 100 Women Wealth Advisors
We ranked analysts according to three different criteria to measure their 2021 performance – their success rate, in other words, the number of times a rating proved accurate after three months, their average returns per recommendation over a three-month time period, and the number of ratings they made. Analysts who give more ratings are more likely to rank higher.
Forbes/Shook Top Women Wealth Advisors Best-In-State
The Forbes ranking of America’s Top Women Wealth Advisors and Top Women Wealth Advisors Best-In-State, developed by SHOOK Research, is based on an algorithm of qualitative data, learned through surveys and interviews conducted by telephone, in-person and virtually to evaluate best practices, such as service models, investing models and compliance records as well as quantitative data, such as revenue trends and assets under management.
All advisors have a minimum of seven years’ experience. Portfolio performance is not a criterion due to varying client objectives and lack of audited data. Neither Forbes nor SHOOK receive a fee in exchange for rankings.
Institutional Investor Research Rankings 2019
Institutional Investor Research (II Research) conducts 10 surveys globally, spanning North America, Latin America, Developed Europe, Emerging EMEA and Asia-Pacific across equities and fixed income, to produce unique insights and actionable data.
The research data independently captures evaluations of companies, brokers and executives from investment managers, broker firms and corporate issuers, to deliver detailed peer-to-peer comparative analyses every year.
An analyst must publish investment research during the period covered by the poll. Each Institutional Investor Research team survey is divided into at least two main voting categories: Industries and Macro. The majority of surveys also include a Countries voting category. Analysts must be certified pursuant to Regulation AC (or equivalent) to be recognized as winners or team leaders in all industry sectors; no such restriction applies to the sectors in Economics & Strategy categories. Winners must achieve a minimum vote count. We will provide guidance on analyst coverage limits in each survey.
Both the firm and individual rankings are determined by a numerical score which is detailed in the methodology document issued for each survey. Votes are weighted by the voting firm’s commission payout, or in some surveys, by the firm’s assets under management. Weighted points are used to create the rankings for each sector. First, second, third and Runner-Up (RU) positions are published. To achieve an RU place, the score must fall within 35% of the third-place score.
InvestmentNews Hot List
In August 2023, InvestmentNews invited wealth professionals from across the country to nominate their most exceptional leaders for the inaugural Hot List. After receiving hundreds of nominations, InvestmentNews narrowed the list down to 100 movers and shakers whose contributions have helped shape the wealth industry over the past 12 months. From innovators at the forefront of change to leaders who are transforming the way the industry does business, this year’s Hot List represents the best the industry has to offer.
Long Island Business News
Since 1998, Long Island Business News has taken nominations for various awards to recognize financial professionals for their outstanding performance as stewards of Long Island’s corporations, government and nonprofit organizations. Eligible professions include accountants, financial advisors, controllers, chief financial officers, and other financial professionals. Nominees should have a proven track record, and will be evaluated on their business accomplishments, mentoring, leadership, community involvement, volunteerism, and dedication to these pursuits over the past year.
National Association of Plan Advisors (NAPA) Top DC Advisor Team
The NAPA Top DC Advisor Team list highlights the nation's leading retirement plan advisor teams within firms, which operate in a single physical location, on the defined contribution practice specifically. Teams having at least $100 million in DC assets will be evaluated based on years in business, size of team, target market size, secondary markets served, total numbers of defined contribution plans under management; including number of participants covered, and total asset value of these plans over the trailing two years. Plans must be existing, long-term relationships, not short term or project or contract work of an interim nature. A component of social responsibility is considered.
National Association of Plan Advisors (NAPA) Top Defined Contribution Advisor and Advisor Teams
To qualify as a candidate for the award, an advisor must: manage at least $75 million in assets under management in Defined Contribution plans; and have Defined Contribution plan assets account for at least 20% of total AUM. Once an advisor applies, they score seach applicant on seven different factors to arrive at the final list. Those factors are: Defined Contribution assets under management (AUM); Growth in DC plan business; Specialization in Defined Contribution business; Years of experience; Industry certifications; Participation rate in DC plans. DC means Defined Contribution AKA 401(k) Plan.
National Association of Plan Advisors (NAPA) “Top Plan Advisors Nationally”
Established in 2014, the list is drawn from nominations provided by NAPA Broker-Dealer/RIA Firm Partners and vetted by a blue ribbon panel of senior advisor industry experts based on a combination of quantitative and qualitative data submitted by the nominees, as well as a broker-check review.
On Wall Street
The Regional Advisors Under 40 ranking is based on production only of those advisors that were nominated for inclusion to the On Wall Street annual list.
Oppenheimer Internal Rankings Clubs
Chairman’s and Executive Council: The award criteria for the Oppenheimer Chairman’s Council are established by evaluating revenue and assets under management, followed by a thorough assessment of compliance and conduct standards. This evaluation considers multiple criteria, including performance, conduct, compliance standards, experience, and the overall assets they oversee. It's important to note that being in the Chairman’s Club does not guarantee future performance.
Smith’s Municipal
The All-Star award program recognizes the work done by municipal professionals from institutions, rating agencies, insurance companies, and commercial banks throughout the year. Nominations to the ballot are made by a committee made up of portfolio managers from ten investment firms. The electronic ballot is sent out to more than one thousand institutional investors of all sizes and types that are in a position to see the work output of nominees done across the entire spectrum of analysis.
The Financial Communications Society Portfolio Award
The Financial Communications Society (FCS) invites financial services brands and their agencies to submit marketing and communications work each year [January-February] to compete for the annual FCS Portfolio Awards [presented in May]. Each entrant pays a nominal fee ($395 per entry) and submits their work online. The FCS recruits a judging panel of 40 to 50 marketing and communications executives from the financial industry and supporting agencies; judges are randomly assigned a slate of entries to evaluate. Each entry is scored on a scale of 1 to 10 with up to five points for marketing strategy and up to five points for creative excellence. Entries compete in more than 35 categories, within 4 groups (Corporate Image, Consumer, B2B, Employee Communications). The entries with the highest average scores within their category are awarded gold, silver or bronze trophies.
The Winner’s Circle®
The Winner’s Circle® is an organization independent of the firms involved and does not receive compensation from the over 100 participating firms or its affiliates, financial advisors or the media in exchange for ranking purposes. Each advisor on the annual Research Magazine list was filtered down from a national list from securities firms, banks, independent firms and more. The Winner’s Circle team vetted each Series-7 registered advisor through a host of quantitative and qualitative criteria, including assets managed, revenues, experience levels, acceptable compliance records and U4 forms, discussions with management and more. Because client portfolios vary and are typically unaudited, portfolio performance is not a criteria; instead, The Winner’s Circle focuses on customer satisfaction and client retention. Advisor is ranked on individual assets, or percentage of contribution to team; some individuals on list are not part of teams and assets reflect only their share. Different weightings are assigned to different types of assets. Ranking algorithm includes revenues produced, but is not published.
Tip Ranks
By tracking and measuring the performance of over 50,000 financial experts, TipRanks is able to identify the top 25 experts within each sector who consistently outperform the markets. TipRanks developed a 3 tier unique proprietary formula to rank financial experts, taking into account the experts’ success rate, the average return per transaction, and statistical significance.
Tip Ranks Top Analysts in the World in 2021
We ranked analysts according to three different criteria to measure their 2021 performance – their success rate, in other words, the number of times a rating proved accurate after three months, their average returns per recommendation over a three-month time period, and the number of ratings they made. Analysts who give more ratings are more likely to rank higher.
Top 100 Magazine “Top 100 in Finance”
Top 100 selects candidates utilizing proprietary software, which employs an algorithm to search a variety of online resources for industry-specific terms and key words. These resources include social media, blog posts, peer reviews, and Google indices. Once the software has compiled a preliminary list of qualified candidates, their R&D department manually analyzes the results in order to make their final selections. Candidates must be registered with the SEC as a registered investment adviser or a registered investment adviser representative; and have not more than one filed complaint, and never have been convicted of a felony.
Top Guns
The Informa peer group was created using the information collected through the PSN investment manager questionnaire and uses only gross of fee returns. PSN Top Guns investment managers must claim that they are Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS®) compliant. These top performers are strictly based on quarterly returns.
Trust & Estates Magazine
Nominations are based on various factors, including the novelty of the topic, the feedback we received from readers and the significance of the topic in the current estate-planning environment. We then sent out a survey, asking our subscribers to vote for their favorite articles in each category. We declared the nominees getting the top number of votes in each category as “Distinguished Authors.” In particular, the “Rising Star” category honors a new author to Trusts & Estates who shows the most potential to be a leading individual in the industry.
Turnaround Atlas Award 2024
Winners are selected by point-indexed scoring method based on criteria such as finance-debt restructure; complexity; organization – operations, management; sector/markets; jurisdiction; stakeholder/community impact; brand; leadership, etc. Firms are chosen from short-list, irrelevant of league table rankings. Standards include the firm’s advisory record, expertise, team and leadership, among pertinent category criteria. The process excludes any involvement by nominees or industry participants to insure a 100% conflict-free outcome. There are no fees to nominate. We do not accept awards gala sponsorship from financial or legal advisors to avoid any “pay for play” conflicts.
Transaction must be closed in the timeframe: February 1, 2023 – February 1, 2024.
Wealthmanagement.com Thrive Award
Based on three solid years of revenue growth; the average revenue growth of the 2019 Thrive Advisors was three times the industry average, as calculated by McKinsey & Company’s PriceMetrix. To qualify for the WealthManagement.com 2019 Thrive list of fastest-growing advisors, applicants had to be based in the U.S., offer financial services to individual clients, and be free of regulatory actions. Applications were accepted from individuals, teams and companies of all types and sizes—including solo advisors, ensembles, practices, family offices, RIAs and IBD reps.