The Gilchrist Group’s portfolio manager aims to centralize a three pronged investment strategy: Hand-pick Exchange Traded Funds for passive exposure to broad based indices, Select Mutual Fund managers that seek alpha generation over specific indices, and screen for sector-oriented Exchange Traded Funds that we believe provide opportunities for outperformance while weighing the economic outlook. The aim of our portfolios asset allocation seeks to deliver favorable risk adjusted returns compared to the MSCI ACWI Index over a 7-10 year period

Portfolio Management

The Gilchrist Group’s Approach to Portfolio Management

The Macro Themes Expanded Portfolio
The Macro Themes Expanded Portfolio seeks to include quantitative, smart beta, and fundamental investment strategies. The quantitative framework for the portfolio seeks to screen asset allocation mixes by Standard Deviation, Kurtosis, Volatility, Sharpe Ratio, Up/Down capture, Beta, and Maximum Drawdown with pre-set bandwidths considered for each metric.
Read Portfolio Management disclosures

The Multi Fixed Income Portfolio
The Multi Fixed Income Portfolio seeks to minimize volatility, generate interest income, preserve capital as bond yields increase, and provide capital appreciation as bond yields decrease. The portfolio is a hybrid investment strategy that utilizes quantitative analysis and fundamental bias.
Read Portfolio Management disclosures

The Multi Strategy Portfolio
The Multi Strategy Portfolio seeks to provide capital appreciation during periods of economic expansion, preserve capital during an economic drawdown, generate positive risk adjusted returns during periods of rising inflation, and hedge against surprises in individual asset classes.
The portfolio is a hybrid investment strategy that utilizes quantitative and fundamental analysis. Selecting individual positions a proprietary algorithm screens the available investment universe guided by pre-set numeric bandwidths on historical Standard Deviation, Kurtosis, Volatility, Sharpe Ratio, Up/Down capture, Beta, and Maximum Drawdown. The portfolio is actively managed incorporating fundamental bias to manage risk for individual positions and quantitatively monitored with the goal of keeping risk metrics within the pre-set bandwidths.